
Bachelor Programme in Translation in Jordan

The Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences is granting scholarships annually for the most meritorious B.A. Translation students out of funds provided by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

The scholarships are granted per year, but are usually extended for the whole course of the programme under the condition that the performance of the scholarship holders stays consistently above average (GPA above 80%) and funds are available.

Students from Jordan and neighbouring countries can apply for Surplice-Scholarships.

Call for application is usually in July till end of August for the next academic year.

The scholarships comprise of

  • a lump sum (2500 Euro per year) that covers part of the study fees at the GJU
  • a monthly allowance that approximately covers the costs of living during the 4th year of study in Germany (there are no major study fees in Germany)
  • a travel allowance for the trip to Germany

Pre-Requisites and Application Requirements

In general, students who apply for studying in the B.A. Translation Program can also apply for a scholarship (minimum school GPA 70%). Applicants should hand in the following documents in one PDF file only via email:

  • Application Form
  • CV
  • Copy of passport
  • Certified Copy of Secondary School Certificate (Tawjihi or equivalent)
  • Letter of Motivation in English

The best applicants will be selected for a scholarship based on the school GPA, the motivation letter, an interview and an English/Arabic proficiency test.

Please note

  • There is no specific age limit though precedence is usually given to fresh school graduates.
  • You can apply if you already hold a degree, but preference is again usually given to fresh school graduates.
  • If you are not a Jordanian national and/or not residing in Jordan, you can apply for the scholarship, but it may not be appropriate for you, as it only covers part of the study fees at GJU.

Contact Person

Dr. Oliver Ritter
German Jordanian University
P.O.Box 35247
11180 Amman – Jordan
Phone: +962 6 4294703
Programme Website, click here.

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Screenshot of map with location of DAAD-office marked