
Learning German in Jordan

A group of students.
© Goethe-Institut / Sonja Tobiasbias

The Goethe Institut is the official cultural institute of the Federal Republic of Germany and offers German courses at all levels as well as examinations that are recognized worldwide. Its Amman branch is located close to the Third Circle.

In addition, there is a variety of private language schools and course providers which offer German as a foreign language.

All students at the German Jordanian University (GJU) learn German in addition to their actual study program. GJU also offers Bachelor’s degrees in translation (Arabic, English, German) and German / English business communication as well as a Master’s degree in German as a foreign language. BA programs in German as a foreign language can be pursued at Jordan University and Yarmouk University, both in combination with English (double major).



For more information, please visit:

Goethe-Institut Jordanien
Sh. Abdel Mun’im Al Rifa’i, 5
P.O.B. 1676, Jabal Amman
11118 Amman – Jordanien
Tel. +962 6 4641993
Fax +962 6 4612383

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